All hands on deck! Flooded, a reversed city-builder with RTS and roguelike elements, will hit the Steam shore on March 15th.
Watch the release date trailer:

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Key features of Flooded:
⚬ Find something for yourself – There are three game modes: story-driven Campaign, customized challenge in Quick Play or an Endless mode in which you try to survive for as long as possible. Thanks to procedurally-generated lands, there will be no identical playthroughs!
⚬ Play on your own – It’s possible thanks to a variety of commanders with passive skills and starting bonuses, but also because of various relics that enrich the gameplay. Players will be able to create their own combinations and individual strategies.
⚬ Where did this water come from? – Water level has risen rapidly and it certainly did not happen by accident. During the campaign players will have to discover the mystery behind the cause of the flood…
⚬ Land on the horizon! – While traveling across the ocean, players can discover one of the six biomes that differ in weather conditions as well as mechanics that significantly affect the gameplay and selected strategy.

About Artificial Disasters:
Artificial Disasters story starts in 2021, when its founder created the very first prototype of Flooded during a game jam. The reversed city-builder project has won the jury's hearts and got to the contest’s podium. Game has been expanded with new elements and mechanics since then, but also got a new name – Flooded. Even though its author works the title on his own, he decided to put all the people who influenced Flooded’s development behind the studio's name. Currently, the author is focusing on the final touches before the game's release and is looking for new inspirations in order to create more engaging and fresh titles in the future.